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Amphibians & Reptiles

RIFCON offers field study possibilities with amphibians and reptiles and can work with any relevant species occurring in agricultural landscapes.

In the course of the publication of the Scientific Opinion on the state of the science on pesticide risk assessment for amphibians and reptiles in 2018, EFSA stated that higher assessment tiers should focus on the refinement of exposure options and on generic ecological parameters such as PT. The PT value describes the presence of a species in habitats of interest and is a well-known and accepted refinement factor in vertebrate risk assessments.

Since 2014, RIFCON has been conducting generic field studies with amphibian and reptile species found on arable land and in major crops such as cereals and vineyards. We have been conducting Herpeto-fauna monitoring studies since 2008.

In this context, RIFCON chaired a specific symposium “Herpetofauna in agricultural landscapes and respective pesticide risk assessments” at the XX. European Congress of Herpetology which took place from September 2-6, 2019 in Milan, Italy.

RIFCON is a participant of the COST action PERIAMAR (PEsticide RIsk AssessMent for Amphibians and Reptiles) supporting all working groups.

Our Services

Generic field studies to generate PT or PD data

Applicable for environmental risk assessments

Example 1: Common toad

Example 2: Sand lizard

Monitoring & survey studies

Addressing the occurrence or relevance of reptile and/or amphibian species in crops

Tailored study designs to meet specific needs