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Wild Mammals

RIFCON offers field and semi-field study options with mammals. We can work with all relevant mammalian species occurring in agricultural landscapes.

We offer standard as well as tailored, generic and exposure-related field studies. We regularly conduct long-term post-registration monitoring studies with mammals in several geographical areas in Europe. Study results are also statistically evaluated or analysed by our skilled staff.

We also offer semi-field enclosure studies for small mammals. Enclosure studies uniquely allow the observation of controlled mammal populations and the gathering of effect & exposure or generic data on the level of individuals for risk assessment purposes.

Our Services

Focal species studies

The determination of country, crop or scenario-specific focal species

PT studies

Determination of exposure, including most appropriate PT calculation options

PD Studies

Determination of diet proportion for addressing residues

Avoidance studies

Based on RIFCON-developed designs

Effect studies

Data recording for acute & long-term WoE approaches

Mammalian diet residue decline studies

Determination of exposure, including most appropriate DT50, moving time-window or AUC calculation options

De-husking studies

Based on RIFCON-developed designs

Monitoring & survey studies

For post-registration needs according to compound-related MS requirements

Tailored study designs to meet specific requirements