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Wild Birds

RIFCON offers standard as well as tailor-made generic and exposure related field studies, working with any relevant avian species occurring in agricultural landscapes.

Beside field effect studies, we conduct generic GLP field studies that address the determination of focal species and of realistic exposure parameters like ‘portion of time’ (PT) or ‘portion of diet’ (PD) in any crop type across Europe and beyond (e.g. recording of EU relevant data for South American authorities). Furthermore, we design and conduct specific and data gap focused semi-field and pen studies to collect risk assessment relevant refinement data on avoidance or de-husking behaviour.


Focal species studies

Determination of country, crop or scenario specific species

see e.g. Schabacker et al. 2015; Vallon 2018

PT studies

Determination of exposure, including most appropriate PT calculation options

See Downloads on Wild Birds

PD studies

Determination of diet proportion for addressing residues

Avoidance studies

Based on RIFCON developed designs

Effect studies

Data recording for acute & long-term WoE approaches

Avian diet residue decline studies

Determination of exposure, including most appropriate DT50, moving time-window or AUC calculation options

De-husking studies

Based on RIFCON-developed designs

Monitoring & survey studies

For post-registration needs according to compound-related MS requirements

Tailored study designs to meet specific needs