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Statistics & Data Analysis

RIFCON offers basic and advanced statistical and data analysis services to support the design, data handling and interpretation of laboratory and field studies, in addition to process automation and data visualisation.


At RIFCON, statistics and data analysis services are performed by a team of talented and skilled scientists who are considerably experienced in data handling approaches in the context of risk assessment. The availability of such experts for any relevant exercise is key to our keenness to devise best-fit approaches.

Our Services

Advanced statistical analyses

Descriptive & inductive statistics for laboratory & field studies

Study evaluation

Check of existing statistics

Additional calculations for existing studies

e.g. MDD & ECx

Statistical consultancy

Custom solutions / Expert statements

Tailor-made solutions

Data processing, analysis & visualization / Automation / Scripting

Our Services

Advanced statistical analyses

Descriptive & inductive statistics for laboratory & field studies

Study evaluation

Check of existing statistics

Additional calculations for existing studies

e.g. MDD & ECx

Statistical consultancy

Custom solutions / Expert statements

Tailor-made solutions

Data processing, analysis & visualization / Automation / Scripting