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Biodiversity and species conservation

In the area of biodiversity and species conservation, RIFCON offers a wide range of services - from conservation and planning, biotope and habitat management to strategies for nature conservation and species protection. We also conduct drone projects and are experienced with electrofishing technology.

Nature conservation and planning

  • All relevant monitoring and evaluation studies (e.g. birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, wild bees, beetles of deadwood, plants) for planning permissions
  • CEF (continuous ecological functionality) and FCS (favorable conservation status)-measures (e.g. creation of habitats for sand lizards (Lacerta agilis), common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis), birds and wild bees, installation of nest boxes and artificial nests for raptors, relocation of wild animal population)
  • Ecological supervision and monitoring to minimise damage and toll on nature/ species population by construction work
  • Ecological landscape building
  • Ecological accounts and balancing

Biotope and habitat management

  • Species monitoring
  • Advancement of endangered species
  • Maintenance process

Biodiversity and strategies for nature conservation and species protection

  • Construction of habitats (e.g. ponds, dry stone walls)
  • Elaboration of agreements with farmers in order to protect open landscape species (e.g. ground-breeding birds)

Electrofishing technology

  • Environmental monitoring
  • Regulation of fish population (e.g. removal of introduced species)

Drone projects

  • Monitoring, evaluation and documentation of wild animal population
  • Aerial images of agricultural areas/ parcels and buildings
  • Detection of fawns by using drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras